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[Revue africaine de recherche en informatique et mathématiques appliquées]
Revue africaine de recherche en informatique et mathématiques appliquées
The Revue africaine de recherche en informatique et mathématiques appliquées (ARIMA) was born in 2002 from a North/South scientific collaboration carried out in the wake of the activities of the African Colloquium for Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (Colloque africain pour la recherche en informatique et mathématiques appliquées, CARI). The journal publishes the research results of these collaborations in French and English on an ongoing basis.
- Director of publication: Maurice Tchuenté
- Editor-in-chief: Nabil Gmati ; Mathieu Roche ; Tayou Djamegni Clémentin
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2002
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2016
- eISSN: 1638-5713
- Subjects: Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: African Society in Digital Science
- Address: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Dschang, P.O. Box 96 Dschang
- Country: Cameroon
- Contact: arima AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Mediev'Enl -Une ontologie de domaine des entités du patrimoine culturel : cas des enluminures médiévales du duc de Bourgogne
Un nouvel algorithme hybride basé sur l'optimisation des colonies de fourmis et les réseaux neuronaux récurrents avec un mécanisme d'attention pour résoudre le problème du voyageur de commerce
Founded in 2017, Compositionality welcomes research articles in English in the field of the mathematics of composition across all disciplines. The journal is published by the Compositionality Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
- Director of publication: John Baez
- Editors-in-chief: Aleks Kissinger ; Joachim Kock
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 2017
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2024
- eISSN: 2631-4444
- Subjects: mathematics, computation, logic, physics, chemistry, engineering, linguistics, cognition
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Compositionality Charitable Incorporated Organisation
- Address: 108 Kennington Road, Kennington, Oxford, OX1 5PE
- Country: United Kingdom
- Contact: compositionality AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Information Decomposition Diagrams Applied beyond Shannon Entropy: A Generalization of Hu's Theorem
Homotopy Theoretic and Categorical Models of Neural Information Networks
[Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science]
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (DMTCS) is a peer-reviewed journal created in 1997. As a member of the DMTCS Association, it publishes research articles in English in the fields of discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, especially at the intersection of these two disciplines.
- Director of publication: Jens Gustedt
- Editors-in-chief: Christoph Haase, Dieter Rautenbach, Sergi Elizalde and Hadas Shachnai
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 1997
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2016
- eISSN: 1365-8050
- Subjects: mathematics, computer science
- Languages of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Association DMTCS
- Address: c/o Jens Gustedt, 67A avenue Jean-Jaurès, 67100 Strasbourg
- Country: France
- Contact: dmtcs AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Composable Constraint Models for Permutation Enumeration
The strong chromatic index of 1-planar graphs
[Electronic Notes in Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science]
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science
ENTICS—Electronic Notes in Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science—publishes proceedings of conferences and workshops in English that include significant theoretical advances in computer science and theoretical informatics.
- Director of publication: Bruno Sportisse
- Editor-in-chief: Michael Mislove
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2022
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2023
- eISSN: 2969-2431
- Subjects: computer science, theoretical informatics
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Inria
- Address: Domaine de Voluceau Rocquencourt – B.P. 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: entics AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Implicit automata in {\lambda}-calculi III: affine planar string-to-string functions
Cost-sensitive computational adequacy of higher-order recursion in synthetic domain theory
[Fundamenta Informaticae]
Fundamenta Informaticae
Fundamenta Informaticae, established in 1977, is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering all areas of computer science, with main focus on theoretical foundations. The journal is published as Series IV of Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae, by the Polish Mathematical Society.
- Director of publication: Prof. Jacek Miękisz
- Editor-in-chief: Bartek Klin
- Medium: print and electronic
- Frequency: 3-4 volumes per year
- Date created: 1977
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2020
- eISSN: 1875-8681
- Subjects: computer science
- Languages of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Polish Mathematical Society
- Address: ul. Śniadeckich 8, 00-656 Warszawa
- Country: Poland
- Contact: fi AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Proving Confluence in the Confluence Framework with CONFident
On Complexity Bounds and Confluence of Parallel Term Rewriting
[Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities]
Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities
Created in 2014, the Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities (JDMDH) is situated at the intersection of data mining and digital humanities. The articles published concern both knowledge extraction and management (network analysis, information extraction, semantic web, preference analysis, machine learning) and the humanities and social sciences (historical, political, linguistic, sociological, geographical, communication and archiving) in the digital age.
- Director of publication: Bruno Sportisse
- Editors-in-chief: Richi Nayak ; Laurent Romary ; Nicolas Turenne
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2014
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2014
- eISSN: 2416-5999
- Subjects: social sciences and humanities, digital humanities, text mining
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Inria
- Address: Domaine de Voluceau Rocquencourt – B.P. 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: jdmdh AT episciences.org
Latest articles
SegmOnto: A Controlled Vocabulary to Describe and Process Digital Facsimiles
Notebook and Open science : toward more FAIR play
[Journal d’Interaction Personne-Système]
Journal d’Interaction Personne-Système
Created in 2008 by the Association francophone d’interaction humain-machine, the Journal d’Interaction Personne-Système (JIPS) succeeded the Revue d’Interaction Homme-Machine (RIHM), itself founded in 1997 and active until 2007 (then becoming the Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées).
JIPS ceased publication in April 2022; published articles remain accessible on the journal’s website.
- Director of publication: Sophie Dupuy-Chessa
- Medium: electronic
- Collection: 2010-2020
- Date created: 2008
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2014
- eISSN: 2418-1838
- Subjects: computer science, engineering, technology, cognitive science
- Languages of publication: English, French
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Association Francophone d’Interaction Homme-Machine (AFIHM)
- Address: 385 rue de la Bibliothèque, 38041 Grenoble Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: presidence AT afihm.org
Latest articles
[Journal of Data- and Knowledge-integrated Simulation Science]
Journal of Data- and Knowledge-integrated Simulation Science
Coming soon
Journal of Data- and Knowledge-integrated Simulation Science (JoDaKISS) is an international, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to supporting and advancing simulation science by publishing high-quality data and software for scientific computer simulations. It is published by the Stuttgart Center of Simulation Science (SC SimTech, University of Stuttgart, Germany).
- Director of publication: Holger Steeb
- Editorial Board: Bernd Flemisch, Dominik Göddeke, Jeroen Hanselman, Jan Heiland, Sibylle Hermann, Melanie Herschel, Timo Koch, Holger Steeb
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2024
- eISSN: 2944-7666
- Subjects: Simulation Science, Data-Rich Experiments, Direct Numerical Simulations
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Stuttgart Center of Simulation Science (SC SimTech)
- Address: Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart
- Country: Germany
- Contact: jodakiss AT episciences.org
[Logical Methods in Computer Science]
Logical Methods in Computer Science
Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) publishes research articles in English on theoretical and practical areas of computer science involving logical methods, taken in a broad sense. Established in 2014, the journal is edited by Logical Methods in Computer Science e.V., a non-profit organisation whose aim is to facilitate the dissemination of scientific results related to logic in computer science.
- Director of publication: Lars Birkedal
- Editor-in-chief: Stefan Milius
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2014
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2015
- eISSN: 1860-5974
- Subjects: computer science, logical methods
- Languages of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Logical Methods in Computer Science e.V.
- Country: Germany
- Contact: lmcs AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Rewriting for Symmetric Monoidal Categories with Commutative (Co)Monoid Structure
Random Deterministic Automata With One Added Transition
[Mathematical Neuroscience and Applications]
Mathematical Neuroscience and Applications
Established in 2021, the journal Mathematical Neuroscience and Applications (MNA) focuses on mathematical modelling and analysis in all areas of neuroscience, i.e. the study of the nervous system and its dysfunctions. It is a continuation of the Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (2011-2021), previously published by Springer. The journal welcomes articles in English.
- Director of publication: Bruno Sportisse
- Editor-in-chief: Olivier Faugeras
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 2021
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2021
- eISSN: 2801-0159
- Subjects: mathematics, neuroscience
- Languages of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Inria
- Address: Domaine de Voluceau Rocquencourt – B.P. 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: mna AT episciences.org
Latest articles
A Quasi-Stationary Approach to Metastability in a System of Spiking Neurons with Synaptic Plasticity
A mean-field model of Integrate-and-Fire neurons: non-linear stability of the stationary solutions
Established in 2021, TheoretiCS covers all areas of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS). A joint effort of the TCS community, the journal is published by the TheoretiCS Foundation, a non-profit organisation based in Germany. The journal publishes research papers in English on an ongoing basis, including revised and extended versions of conference papers.
- Director of publication: Thomas Schwentick
- Editors-in-chief: Javier Esparza ; Uri Zwick
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2021
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2021
- eISSN: 2751-4838
- Subjects: Theoretical Computer Science
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: TheoretiCS Foundation e.V.
- Address: c/o Thomas Schwentick – Schillingstr. 23, D-44139 Dortmund
- Country: Germany
- Contact: theoretics AT episciences.org