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[Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics]
Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics
Créé en 2021, Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics (JTCAM) accueille des travaux de recherche en anglais dans le domaine de la mécanique des solides et de la mécanique des matériaux et des structures. La revue publie au fil de l’eau des contributions de recherche théoriques, numériques, appliquées et expérimentales.
- Directeur de la publication : Bruno Sportisse
- Éditeurs et éditrices scientifiques : Harsha S. Bhat, Laurence Brassart, Stéphanie Chaillat-Loseille, Lori Graham-Brady, Shaocheng Ji, Phu Nguyen, Anna Pandolfi, Alexander Popp, Julien Réthoré, Olivier Thomas, Laszlo S. Toth
- Type de support : électronique
- Périodicité : au fil de l’eau
- Année de création : 2021
- Date de mise en ligne sur Episciences : 2021
- eISSN : 2726-6141
- Disciplines : mécanique théorique, computationnelle et appliquée, mécanique des solides, mécanique des matériaux et des structures
- Langue de publication : anglais
- Procédure d’évaluation : évaluation ouverte ou simple aveugle
- Licence CC BY 4.0
- Éditeur : Inria
- Adresse postale : Domaine de Voluceau Rocquencourt, BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
- Pays : France
- Contact : jtcam AT episciences.org
Derniers articles
Wedge indentation of elastoplastic solids — from single indentation to interaction between indenters
Performance of metallic seals used between face-turned surfaces is related to their abilities to flow plastically in order to fill up cavities between wedge-shaped asperities. Double wedge indentation is therefore a simple way to investigate what happens at such a seal-flange interface. In this paper, finite element analyses of single and double wedge indentations are conducted. A particular attention is paid to the effects of hardening parameters on the resulting hardness. First, it is observed that single wedge indentation hardness can be well-approximated by the adaptation of analytic models initially developed for cone indentation problems. Second, it is shown that interaction between indentation-strain field during double wedge indentation starts once the bearing ratio is about 25%. It leads to a significant mean contact pressure increase, which is strongly dependent upon the strain hardening exponent. Eventually, for a bearing ratio higher than 75%, a plastic locking stage occurs, which leads to an exponential increase of the mean contact pressure. Practical applications of this work to indentation and sealing research fields are discussed.
Marthouret, Yvan
01 avril 2024
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Robustness of the Data-Driven Identification algorithm with incomplete input data
Identifying the mechanical response of a material without presupposing any constitutive equation is possible thanks to the Data-Driven Identification algorithm developed by the authors. It allows to measure stresses from displacement fields and forces applied to a given structure; the peculiarity of the technique is the absence of underlying constitutive equation. In the case of real experiments, the algorithm has been successfully applied on a perforated elastomer sheet deformed under large strain. Displacements are gathered with Digital Image Correlation and net forces with a load cell. However, those real data are incomplete for two reasons: some displacement values, close to the edges or in a noise-affected area, are missing and the force information is incomplete with respect to the original DDI algorithm requirements. The present study proves that with appropriate data handling, stress fields can be identified in a robust manner. The solution relies on recovering those missing data in a way that no assumption, except the balance of linear momentum, has to be made. The influence of input parameters of the method is also discussed. The overall study is conducted on synthetic data: perfect and incomplete data are used to prove robustness of the proposed solutions. Therefore, the paper can be considered as a practical guide for implementing the DDI method.
Dalémat, Marie
21 février 2024
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